Human Resources Glossary - U

Ulrich Model

The Ulrich model is used to categorize the many functions within HR organizations. Each of the four roles has a name or persona. Employees performing one of these duties thus develop into a specialist.

The following four roles are mentioned:

  • Strategic Partner

  • Change Agent

  • Administrative Expert

  • Employee Champion

Unauthorized Absence

An employee who skips work without a legitimate excuse is considered an unauthorized absentee. Along with unauthorized absence, you may also hear the words AWOL (absent without leave) and absent without permission. Unauthorized absences can take several forms, such as an employee taking a vacation without informing anybody first. This means they did not report to their manager or HR. If no update is given, an employee’s absence from work for a last-minute medical appointment may still be considered unlawful.

Unpaid Leave

Employers can provide loyal employees with time off from work when paid leave has run out by providing unpaid leave. In addition, employees can take time off for unanticipated events, and companies can use it to demonstrate their appreciation for their workers in an emergency.

Upward Mobility

The degree to which a person’s socioeconomic level changes over time is measured by upward mobility. A strong economy is one with a high upward mobility rate, and one of the main drivers of this economic advancement is job advancement. Upward mobility in HR refers to the rate workers transition into new positions, more chances, and higher pay. This development might include promotions that support career advancement or a total transformation of one’s role or line of work that advances their career.

Utilization Analysis

Investigating a workforce’s demographics is known as a utilization analysis or workforce utilization review. The goal is to determine whether an organization employs a particular group (such as women, minorities, etc.) at a rate that is consistent with the availability of the workforce or not.