Human Resources Glossary - Q
Qualified Electronic Signature
A qualified electronic signature (QES) is a safe electronic signature with the same legal standing as a handwritten signature. It is based on a special certificate that unequivocally establishes its validity and has all the features of an advanced electronic signature. Companies and institutions can demonstrate their identification in electronic data transactions, such as legal transactions on the Internet and as a component of other agreements, by using a qualified electronic signature.
Qualifying Life Event
A qualifying life event is a change in circumstance that makes a person eligible to enroll in health insurance outside the annual Open Enrollment Period, such as getting married or divorced, moving, or losing their job.
Quarterly Federal Tax Return
Every employer is required to submit a quarterly federal tax return to the IRS using IRS Form 941 four times per year. The withheld taxes for each employee are included in the taxes submitted as federal revenue, social security, and Medicare.
Quiet Quitting
Employees who quietly quit are known for making the barest effort to keep their employment by not investing additional time or effort into their tasks. The term “quiet quitting,” which became popular on TikTok in 2022, describes workers who accomplish their tasks well without “going the additional mile” or volunteering for anything that is not directly related to their jobs.