How to Help Your Employees Achieve a Better Work-Life Balance
It’s only a short journey from no work-life balance to employee burnout - and that’s no good for your employees OR your company.
It’s only a short journey from no work-life balance to employee burnout - and that’s no good for your employees OR your company.
It would be a naïve business that didn’t expect any employee ever to call in sick or need to take time off, but it can be good to understand and plan for all the reasons why your employees might need to be absent.
It has been proven that employee burnout is a real thing. And of course, it can have a devastating effect on the health and wellbeing of the sufferer - but, from a business perspective, it can also cost your company dearly.
The link between employee appreciation and retention isn’t rocket science: show your people you appreciate them and they’re more likely to do a good job. And less likely to spend their lunchtime scanning job sites! And the good news is, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune - or even anything at all.
No matter how hard we try to keep our work and personal lives separate it’s inevitable that issues with our partner, children, finances etc can have a knock on effect at work. Therefore it’s crucial that your HR department is ready and equipped to help employees who may need a little extra support.
Your organization already has a maternity leave policy but do you wonder how it compares to other companies in your industry? Or do you wonder how maternity leave differs around the globe? Once you can see the bigger picture you might find you want to increase the leave or pay you offer new moms.
A workplace is a tiny individual microcosm. And like any microcosm it comes with a unique combination of inhabitants, rules and culture. And no matter how nice it’d be if everyone got along with each other it’s inevitable that, despite your great company culture, disagreements can, and do, happen.
In many organizations, the vast majority of employees all want time off over Christmas and New Year. It makes sense, yet what happens when December rolls around and you find you have lots of people who’ve barely used any of their annual leave and want to take it all off at the end of the year?
Burnout, rocketing stress levels, anxiety...all can take their toll on the people that work for you. Indeed, you might even be feeling the effects yourself. But as someone working in Human Resources it may be down to you to help shape your company’s response to employee mental health and wellbeing.
Could you create a better company culture, attract more talent, and increase employee retention by offering a more attractive paternity leave policy? It’s likely, and let’s face it, what have you got to lose? We look at why it’s worth revisiting the policies and perks you already have in place.