5 Reasons Why Great Employees Stay With Their Employers
Because we all know that employee retention is crucial if we want to save time, effort, and of course, money.
Because we all know that employee retention is crucial if we want to save time, effort, and of course, money.
To effectively lead a department and get the best out of the people working for you, being able to motivate them is key.
Yes, benefit packages, opportunity for growth, and flexibility such as the hybrid work model offers are important to many employees, but so too is company culture.
It has been proven that employee burnout is a real thing. And of course, it can have a devastating effect on the health and wellbeing of the sufferer - but, from a business perspective, it can also cost your company dearly.
You need to be getting feedback from your employees to increase retention and engagement. But here’s the thing: what questions should you be asking them to find out whether or not you have an employee who’s thinking about throwing in the towel on your hands?
The link between employee appreciation and retention isn’t rocket science: show your people you appreciate them and they’re more likely to do a good job. And less likely to spend their lunchtime scanning job sites! And the good news is, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune - or even anything at all.
No matter how hard we try to keep our work and personal lives separate it’s inevitable that issues with our partner, children, finances etc can have a knock on effect at work. Therefore it’s crucial that your HR department is ready and equipped to help employees who may need a little extra support.
We all enjoy being recognized for our positive attributes. Whether it’s our winning smile, our ability to cook amazing food, or more importantly, the way we crush it at work. But what happens if you’re consistently achieving results and no one notices? Here’s why employee recognition is so crucial.
If you’re working in Human Resources or are a manager in a small to medium-sized business and you’re struggling with that eternal question “How do I increase employee engagement?” then you might just have stumbled upon the right blog!
New year, new you? We’ve heard it all before. But while health and fitness goals often fall by the wayside a couple of months into the year, one resolution you should make - and stick to - is to take a look at the perks and benefits you offer your employees and to see if you can improve on them.